Welcome to our October 2021 Summit and Park County Market Report!
What does the current real estate market look like in our area?
As we head into the busy holiday season the real estate market in Summit and Park Counties is still seeing high demand and low inventory.
Overall All Areas
Property prices have increased slightly over the same period last year, although the number of homes sold has slightly decreased.

Single Family Homes by Price Range

There have been new developments in our local short-term rental market as well.
In Breckenridge, the cap on non-exempt short-term rentals is now in effect and unincorporated areas of Summit County continues their moratorium on new licenses while they determine plans on moving forward.
We sincerely hope that you find the information contained in this market report useful. If you have any questions or are buying or selling in our area, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Wishing everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving! We hope you’re all able to spend it with those you love.
If you want similar in-depth information and a breakdown of different areas including Breckenridge, Frisco, Silverthorne, Dillon, Alma, and Fairplay Area download the full 16-page Summit and Park County Area Real Estate Market Report YTD October 2021.
How can we help you with your real estate needs?
This Summit and Park County Area Real Estate Market Report YTD October 2021 and the level of detail is representative of what you can expect from us as your Real Estate Agents. I hope we can provide the same amount of expertise and insight for you when you are looking to buy or sell in the Breckenridge area.
We strive to provide Superior Service and exceed client expectations. We would appreciate the opportunity to earn your business – or that of a colleague you think we could help.
Every month we produce this monthly report to provide you with a high-level overview by looking at the patterns and trends. We hope to help you make sense of the numbers so you can make an informed decision. If you see a segment of the market that you would like additional help with understanding please contact us. If you desire a specific Comparative Market Analysis report that we routinely prepare for our clients, please contact us.

Scott & Anne Lindblom
Broker Associates
Scott: 970-485-4065
Anne: 608-345-2734